We can import very nearly every mailing list format, so send us what you have when you place your order, and we'll do what we can to make it work. Once we've imported it, you can make changes here on the site, or send us a new file with every letter – choose whichever works best for you.
Google Contacts and Apple Contacts
Both of these apps let you create a group for all of your prayer letter contacts. You can then export (save) these addresses as a vCard file, and send the file to us.
In Google Contacts, look for the Export option under the "More" menu. In Apple Contacts, it's under the "File" menu.
TntConnect and MPDX
These are apps developed specifically for missionaries, and both can communicate directly with us, saving you time and ensuring that your mailing list doesn't get out of sync.
TntConnect (formerly TntMPD)
With TntConnect, you can create a mailing from within the program using either your regular newsletter list or a specific group.
When you set up MPDX to sync with us, it will keep your print newsletter list up to date with us at all times. You can also export a list if you want to send to a different group of people (e.g. for a specific appeal).
Spreadsheets (Excel, Numbers, OpenOffice, etc.)
We can import nearly every spreadsheet format. Excel and CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files are the most reliable.
If you're getting started with us and already have a spreadsheet file, send it to us as is, and we can usually get it to import. If it's any trouble, we'll send you a revised file and ask you to use that as your baseline for future mailings.
If you're starting from scratch, it's best to include separate columns for name, company, street address (one column with line breaks or three columns), city, state, zip, and country. If you'll be including a greeting line in your letters, include that as well.
Address Labels and Microsoft Word
We can usually import these files, but they can be trickier. After your first mailing, we may ask you to download your current mailing list as a spreadsheet and use that instead.