Update a contact from a temporary mailing list.
POST https://www.prayerletters.com/api/v1/lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id}
All fields are optional except for type and id. Any fields that are omitted will remain unchanged. Set a metadata field to null to remove it.

URL Parameters

The ID of the contact to be updated.
The ID of the list containing the contact.

Example Request

{ "file_as" : "Tischler, Joseph and Mary", "id" : "a-22m-zqfb", "metadata" : { "amount" : null, "last_gift" : "2025-03-12" }, "name" : "Joseph and Mary Tischler", "type" : "contact" }

Successful Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "address" : { "city" : "Lebanon", "country" : null, "postal_code" : "03766", "state" : "NH", "street" : "123 Main St." }, "company" : null, "external_id" : "0123456", "file_as" : "Tischler, Joseph and Mary", "greeting" : "Joe and Mary", "id" : "a-22m-zqfb", "metadata" : { "last_gift" : "2025-03-12" }, "name" : "Joseph and Mary Tischler", "type" : "contact" }

Error Responses

400 lists.id_mismatch
The URL and JSON object contain different IDs.
400 lists.insufficient_address
The address for the specified contact is incomplete.
400 lists.invalid_address
The address field, if present, must be an object.
400 lists.invalid_data_array
The contacts object must contain a data array.
400 lists.invalid_field
The request included an unrecognized field.
400 lists.invalid_field_length
The value for the specified field is too long.
400 lists.invalid_field_value
This field must be a string.
400 lists.invalid_metadata
The metadata field, if present, must be an object.
400 lists.invalid_metadata_field
The specified metadata field contains invalid characters.
400 lists.invalid_metadata_length
The value for the specified metadata field is too long.
400 lists.invalid_type
The body of the request must be a contacts object. Each contact must be a contact object.
400 lists.too_much_metadata
The maximum number of custom fields has been exceeded for the specified contact.
403 lists.permission_error
You need the lists.write scope to perform this action.
404 not_found
The requested list doesn't exist.